Vaini 2: Beulah College

Introduction: Beulah College – A Lifeline of Education and Desperate Need for Clean Water, Purification, and Sustainable Energy

Beulah College, a coeducational Christian secondary school in Tongatapu, Tonga, has been a cornerstone of education and character development since its founding in 1938. With a rich history and a steadfast commitment to nurturing young minds, the college is a vital asset to the Tongan community. Established with the blessings of Her Majesty Sālote Tupou III, Beulah College is an institution deeply grounded in Christian values and the pursuit of academic excellence.

Historical Significance: In 1939, Beulah College was officially inaugurated by Her Majesty Sālote Tupou III, marking a pivotal moment in Tonga’s educational history. The school’s founding principles align with the values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, providing a holistic education that nurtures not only academic knowledge but also spiritual growth.

Seventh-day Adventist Mission: The connection between Beulah College and the Seventh-day Adventist Church traces back to the earliest Adventist missions in Tonga. In July 1891, Seventh-day Adventist missionaries, Edward H. Gates and A. J. Read, embarked on a historic visit to Tonga, sharing Adventist literature and sowing the seeds of faith. This legacy of missionary work paved the way for the establishment of a strong Adventist presence in Tonga.

Urgent Need for Clean Water, Purification, and Sustainable Energy: However, Beulah College is currently grappling with a dire challenge – an unreliable water supply that operates for only 12 hours a day. This issue not only disrupts daily life at the school but also severely impacts the health and well-being of the surrounding community. Access to clean and consistent water is not a luxury; it is a pressing necessity for the students, staff, and the broader community that Beulah College serves.

Project Impact: The proposed water supply, purification, and sustainable energy project at Beulah College are not just aspirations; they are lifelines. By ensuring a continuous and reliable water source, advanced purification, and leveraging renewable energy sources, this project will have a profound impact on the lives of the 250 students, faculty, and the community at large. Improved access to clean water, advanced purification, and sustainable energy will not only transform daily life but also create an environment conducive to learning and personal development.

Sustainable Approach: This project is built on the foundation of sustainability – correct sizing of renewable energy systems, smart planning, and the use of durable equipment. It is designed to stand the test of time, offering a solution that will “Build Once, Last a Lifetime with proper maintenance.” 

Call to Action: We implore you to join hands with Beulah College in this hour of desperate need. Your support for the water supply, purification, and sustainable energy project will not only enhance the educational experience of the students but also safeguard the health and well-being of the Tongan community. Together, we can make a lasting and life-changing difference, ensuring that clean water flows not just through pipes but also through the veins of education and hope, powered by renewable energy for a healthier and sustainable future.


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Thumbnails Products Variations Price Quantity Total Price Action
Storage Tank
27,000 Ltr polyethylene storage water tank
T$ 10,900.00
T$ 10,900.00
Tank Tower
10 mtr water tank tower
T$ 28,800.00
T$ 28,800.00
Tank & Tower Installation
Materials, Install & Commission
T$ 23,000.00
T$ 23,000.00
T$ 7,280.00T$ 42,000.00
Bag Filter
40m3/Hr Prefilteration
T$ 4,900.00
T$ 4,900.00
UV Filter
5m3/Hr UV filtration system
T$ 8,400.00
T$ 8,400.00
T$ 8,000.00
T$ 8,000.00
Total Cart for Vaini 2: Beulah College
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